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Footnotes could be not be used. Cite references in University text in numerically consecutive order with superscript numbering. List University references as they are cited; do not list references alphabetically. Abbreviate magazine titles in accordance exam PubMed / Index Medicus. Journal citations should include author, title, magazine abbreviation, year, volume, issue, and pages. Book citations should come with author, title, city, writer, year, and pages. Church Handbook Policy would emerge only around University late 1970s and early 1980s. By then, it sort of feels that University anti trans seeds that Harold B Lee plants in his 1970 talks had taken root and would win University day so far even widely today though with quizzes kinder tone superimposed over University similar anti trans beliefs. I suspect every trans individual that has ever felt they were on trial towards a person very like their own Sanhedrin is familiar with well how Jesus would have felt when they said What need we any extra witness? while they stubbornly and pridefully presumed their scripture could only ever mean it blasphemously unattainable for Jesus exam be who he said he was. Its University tragic and painfully sad feeling I feel when Harold B. Lee and others like him say such things as Do you wish to have anything else to, examination prove University falsity of any such hellish doctrine as this so called transsexuality doctrine of a few?. The silence that followed his feedback, quizzes silence I still see among so many church individuals and leaders examination just fully and unquestioningly and immediately and thoroughly just accept as true with such dark things about people like me still breaks my heart.

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